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NEC Semester 2!

In no time at all, my first semester of college has ended, and a second begun. One minute, I was fresh off summer break and excited to get my first taste of life at NEC, and the next I was writing final papers, stuffing down study snacks, and waiting for my plane home! I don’t think I’ll be able to wrap my head around all that I did that first semester, or all that I learned. Not only was it an incredibly intense intro to serious conservatory study, it was a refreshing start to my life as a musician. I even relearned how to be an academic student in a non-homeschool setting, which was definitely a weird transition!

Now that I’m back at school, I know what I’m getting into this next semester. I’m bringing a slew of new music to my lessons, including the one and only Tchaikovsky Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (if you stop hearing from me, it’s because I’ve simply succumbed to this piece). I’m playing chamber music for the first time at NEC, and I’m super excited to work with my friends on a trio by Brahms. And I have other fun projects as well: applying to summer music festivals, working with a composer to play newly-written music, probably more than a few surprises to add to my plate as well. I foresee many more nights of practicing until 1 am!

But I couldn’t be more ready to get back to work! I’m excited to take my playing in a new direction, to learn more about myself. I now know what college is like: crazy, fun, a bit stressful, exhilarating with the right people. I know this semester is going to be even better than the last. I just hope it doesn’t go by too quickly!

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