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Hi Friends!

I'm writing from ARIA International Music Academy, where I'm spending the next ten days in a thrilling atmosphere of intense music-making! I've traveled far today, and I'm glad to have found this computer!

I started the day as early as imaginable. Like 3 AM. I ran through my morning schedule several times: wake at 3:20, pack up the car and head out to the airport at 4:00. Arrive at the airport with time to pass through the security checkpoint, wait for my flight's boarding to begin at 5:40. Prepare for departure from Oklahoma City's Will Rogers World Airport at 6:10 am.

Everything went smoothly! I said goodbye to my family and headed off. After a brief stop in Chicago, I arrived in Hartford, Connecticut. The next thing that happened made my day...

Standing with a group of other musicians in the baggage claim, I noticed a woman holding a cello case nearby. She approached us (we were conspicuous musicians, with our instrument cases strewn about) and asked "Where are you guys from, or going?" We told her that we were attending the ARIA camp in Massachusetts. She wished us luck and then moved toward a baggage claim belt with her cello case.

A moment later, I was pondering the possibility that I recognized this cellist, when another familiar face appeared nearby. He was immediately recognizable as Jaime Laredo, legendary violinist of the Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson trio. Which meant that the cellist was Sharon Robinson, cellist of the trio. I had seen them in concert before! I had even attended a masterclass they taught! I was shocked by the coincidence that we had ended up in the same place at the same time! I went back over to Ms. Robinson and explained that I knew who she was.

Celeb sighting!

Hope I can write more soon!


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